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The Kindergarten curriculum launches our students into the wonderful world of learning the basics. 

Language Arts: Students learn to identify upper-case and lower-case letters and their sounds. They develop phonics skills to read CVC words, and learn sight words. They practice what they’ve learned through reading and writing simple sentences, and they expand upon the basics through developing reading concepts and print awareness, and language and listening skills.

Math: Students count to 100, and write and compare numbers to 100. They add and subtract to 20. And they measure simple length, height, weight, and capacity, and begin early Geometry by identifying 2D and 3D shapes.

Religion: Students develop a love for God and respect for one another with daily prayers and petitions, participation in school liturgies and prayer experiences, and through learning Catholic traditions and customs.

Social Studies: We focus on friends, family, and community, holidays, and reading simple maps.

Science: We learn about the weather, the needs of living creatures, the concepts of forces and motion, and caring for our planet.


First Grade provides students with a strong foundation upon which they can build their future education.

Math: We model and use addition and subtraction within 20, interpret data from a graph, and learn to calculate time to hour and half hour.

Science: We learn about plants and animals, and the uses of light and sound.

Language Arts: We learn phonics using the Fundations program, and also, the basics of handwriting, writing, reading, and grammar.

Religion: We focus on Creation, the Holy Family, and Forgiveness, and Social Studies introduces students to maps and map symbols, and citizenship,

In addition, the students have weekly classes in Music, Library, Physical Education, Spanish, Art, and Technology.


Second Grade marks a very important step in our students’ Catholic faith formation as they prepare for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. 

Math: We expand upon basic arithmetic by learning practical skills such as counting money and telling time.

Language Arts: We develop a solid foundation of phonics and grammar, and expand upon these skills through reading and writing poetry, classic literature, and short stories.

Science: Students learn about the world around them through participation in a variety of projects, including: demonstrating erosion and how it can be prevented, models of earth's land forms, nature walks, and a class garden.